So we have been trying to potty train
Kaden, for like, forever !! I have threatened, YES, what a great mother I am. We have put away most of the toys and now he has a new basketball outfit that he loves and today it was taken away because he pooped in his pants. Needless to say, he had a total meltdown. Daddy has also taken away the tractor as well. I bought the Diego Potty seat, I have done the reward system, where I created a calendar and each time he went potty he would get to put a sticker on the calendar. That worked for like ONE day !! I have done the bribe with candy, M&M's, any kind he wanted, and that doesn't even work. So I decided that I would leave him without a pull up on one day, surely he would not PEE or POOP on the floor ?? I thought it was a great idea for the first couple of hours, then it happened. I was BF
Jaxon and asked
Kaden if he would go and get me a burp cloth, the next thing I hear is "Mommy, I peed !!" My reply: "What !!?, where did you pee?"
Kaden: "In
Jaxon's room on the bag. There was a bag on the floor and he went on the bag and a little on the floor. So I stopped feeding the baby and got the carpet cleaning spray and put him in time out, still without a pull up on, but I thought, it had to just be an accident. Not more than an hour later, I am in the laundry room folding clothes and I hear: "Mommy there is POOP on the floor and it is on my foot !!! " As he comes running from the bonus room, down the hall to the laundry room and deposits a nice little brown dropping right in front of the laundry room door. I could not believe it !! I assessed the damaged and thankfully it was not too bad. Cleaned him up, the mess on the floor, put a pull up back on and put him back in timeout. I know that I need to be more patient, but it is SO hard sometimes. I know he understands, but I guess he will do it when he is good and ready, he's a little stubborn at times, wonder where he gets it? So with that said, I am praying for more patience with
Kaden and the potty training and hope to have good news soon !!
You poor thing! I've heard people do the same thing you did, just outside so it's easier to clean up. Let me know when you've figured out the whole potty training thing - we're still working on it at our house!
Hey! So I came across your blog from Jensa's page! :-)
I SO feel your pain! Kaylee has KNOWN how to use the potty since she was like 18 months old but it has been a never ending battle with her! We just about had her trained until the baby came, then she totally regressed. So I gave her a few months and tried again. Same thing with you - what worked one day wouldn't the next, and so on. Yesterday I put her in underwear all day and she did great so I'm thinking "great! She's finally trained!" So we put her in underwear again today and she went potty four times throughout the day, but apparently saved enough up b/c she had an "accident" on the floor in her bedroom. Didn't even stop playing to tell me... I just happened to check on her and noticed the puddle on the floor. Yuck! Let's just hope it's easier with the second!!
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